Media + Social Tracking
Know which reporters are covering your company, industry and competitors and talking about your issue. LaBreche’s powerful media and social media monitoring tools capture information being shared publicly…in real time. This data allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of the situation by tracking dialogue and sentiment, and proactively manage your responses and engagement.
Your company’s share of voice in the situation
Trending themes
Topic momentum
Media and social media visibility, reach and sentiment
Top influencers and their engagement with your content
International heat maps of public dialogue that involves your company
“Beth LaBreche has become a constant resource for our foundation, business and household. My husband, Pete Najarian, and I use Beth’s talents in marketing and promotion. She draws on her extensive connections with the media to help raise awareness for our foundation, grow Pete's visibility in the community, and cultivate my new brand. She has a very deliberate approach to all of her work and is skillful in threading together what is necessary to make each component cohesive. Beth is a go-getter with words that catapult your business to a higher level. Her experience, expertise and actions speak loudly.”
— Lisa Najarian, entrepreneur, founder and executive director of Twin Cities Lyme Foundation
Real-time reputation management.
LaBreche clients have access to 24/7 monitoring of media and social media – a must when company news and issues start spreading. Real-time notifications and comprehensive dashboards track parts of discussions you may miss with manual online searches and Google Alerts. You can’t reach out to media and social influencers unless you know who they are. Whether you want to make or mitigate news about your company, you need access to powerful tracking tools. If your current PR resource doesn’t have these tools, they haven’t invested in their business…or yours.